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Christian Walkerden

Christian Walkerden is a seasoned executive with a diverse skill set. He has a proven track record in sales, marketing automation, leadership, negotiation, and technical expertise in software development, API microservices, data security, and compliance.

Christian’s career highlights include successful negotiations with major government departments and multinational companies, and strategic partnerships that have remained in place throughout his career. He has demonstrated leadership in building high-performance teams from scratch and managing teams across several iterations.

He is currently a founder at Griffin Digital and Viaco Labs. Focussing on generating new ventures and partnerships to drive Australia’s GDP and productivity. His passion for innovation, strategic thinking, and calculated risk-taking are key to his approach.

Previously, Christian served as the CEO of Ozedi, where he transformed the company into a dominant force in the digital business messaging space. His focus on outcomes and growth led to the onboarding of hundreds of channel partners and 100,000 end users in a few short years.

Christian’s character traits include being a calculated risk-taker, highly innovative, strategic, and collaborative. He is passionate about moving the needle on the GDP and productivity of Australia via supporting SMEs and founders. His ability to deliver presentations and public speaking with confidence and clarity sets him apart in his field. His proven track record of raising capital and achieving outcomes for clients speaks volumes about his capabilities.