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Ricardo Santos

Ricardo Filipe dos Santos is a highly accomplished Data and AI professional with a strong background in Cloud Architecture, Data Engineering and Data Science. Holding a PhD in Molecular Biosciences from ITQB NOVA and extensive postdoctoral research experience, Ricardo has successfully transitioned from academia to the industry, excelling in strategic roles across pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, and life sciences sectors.

As a Senior Data Engineer at Claranet and a certified Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer, Ricardo has demonstrated expertise in Data Mesh, Data Architecture, and Generative AI (GenAI), while addressing Data Security and Privacy challenges. His experience spans high-impact projects, such as leading Data Mesh implementation for a major telecom company and engineering data pipelines for big pharma companies.

Ricardo's academic background in machine learning, bioinformatics, and single-cell transcriptomic analysis has laid the foundation for his leadership in the AI and data industry. His ability to bridge the gap between technical and business stakeholders has been instrumental in driving successful projects.

With a strategic mindset and a focus on emerging technologies, Ricardo has demonstrated his leadership skills and ambitions, helping organizations harness the power of Data and AI for growth and innovation.