Ari Witkes

My dream is to have a lean and very profitable self-managed law practice. The firm is built to last. I have a dedicated team. Our culture is positive and growth-minded. We make a positive impact on clients/debtors. We leverage technology to get the best returns for clients.  


My practice is diversified and we have joint ventures with clients. I'm building businesses, not just growing my law practice – debt buying company / lending company / software development.  

My Purpose

To make a positive impact on every person that interacts with WLF. To support my team in an all-encompassing way. To provide for my family and community abundantly. To give a lot of charity. 

My Strategies

  1. To make a positive impact on every person that interacts with WLF.

  2. To support my team in an all-encompassing way.

  3. To provide for my family and community abundantly. To give a lot of charity. 

My Scorecard

  1. Everyone on my team has an OPUS and is working towards achieving personal and professional goals. 

  2. WLF has reviews from clients / debtors acknowledging our impact. 

  3. WLF has given 100K, 200K, 500K … to Charity. 

  4. WLF has annual fees over 500K, 750K, 1M, 2M. 

My Worldview: I believe...

  • G-d is ONE.  

  • G-d is actively creating the world at every moment. 

  • G-d is with me. My soul is a piece of G-d and has unlimited capacity. 

  • G-d is Good. 

  • My purpose is to reveal G-d in the world by living as a channel for G-d's will.  

  • The world was created for me. I was created to serve my creator.  

  • Every person is a world. One small act or smile to another can change the world. 

  • Do good, refrain from bad. 

  • The world is on a scale; Doing good perpetuates good. Tip the scale. 

  • Everything has a time and place. Everything happens for a reason.  

  • We have two “souls”, an animal soul and a g-dly soul. Elevate the g-dly soul over body and spirit over matter.  

  • By nature, the mind controls the heart. I have control and can choose my thoughts, speech and actions.  

  • Love your fellow as you love yourself. Treat others the same way you would want to be treated. 

  • Lead with Empathy. Don’t judge another until you walk in their shoes. Be favorable to others. 

  • Our body keeps the score – tune in and take care of it; My body is the vessel for my soul. A hole in the body makes a hole in the soul. 

  • Ego is the enemy. Be a channel. Choose to lose your sense of self for something greater. 

  • I am a work in progress. Building self is a never-ending process. 

  • If someone else was me, they would achieve far more. 

  • Avoid anger.  It’s the only emotion that has no time and place. 

  • Man was made to toil. Talent x effort = skill. Skill x effort = achievement. Effort counts twice. 

  • Embrace pain. Mental toughness is proceeding past pain. 

  • We are attracted to what we are and think about. What you aim at determines what you see. 

  • A person is where their desire/will is. Change your will, change your life.  

  • If you would like to achieve great success, plant in your mind a great motive. 

  • The intensity of your focus will determine the range of your accomplishment. 

  • We act consistent with who we believe we are. 

  • I can shape my CORE and my CORE shapes me. 

  • Everything I experience is a lesson in life and in serving G-d.  

  • Take extreme ownership. Never take up residence in victimhood. I get from life what I demand from it.  

  • Don't be a complainer. Excuses are weak. Do something. An act is worth more than a thousand sighs. 

  • All choices and actions have consequences. I have the privilege to choose. Choose wisely. 

  • Think good and it will really be good. Be biased towards positivity. 

  • Teshuva is available at any moment and for any person. 

  • Action and doing is most important - “Maasah hu ha’ikar.”  

  • Do something every day to become better. What have I done today to make the world better? 

  • Live in the present. Be inspired by the future. Measure progress looking back. 

  • There is no such thing as ultimate failure, only lessons. Life is a test. Test helps me grow. Fail forward. Keep moving forward.  

  • Don’t worry about making mistakes, it’s the best educator. 

  • I can learn something from every person. No one is beneath me. 

  • Life is transient – don’t take personal problems too seriously. It’s a blessing to be alive. 

  • Don’t tell G-d how big your problems are – tell your problems how big G-d is.  

  • Bad thinking is the problem, challenge your thinking. 

  • There are more than two solutions to solving a problem, develop alternatives. 

  • When you take care of others, G-d takes care of you. If you have a dollar in your pocket, give it. 

  • Do something to make another's life better. 

  • Take care of those closest to you first. 

  • Wisdom comes from deep learning, experiences/application, unrelenting curiosity, and self-reflection. Become wise. 

  • Being vulnerable is an invitation to others for connection. Being curious shows, I care. 

  • Everyone desires ‘connection’ - great others first. 

  • People remember most how you made them feel. 

  • Everything I have is a gift from G-d. G-d deposited it to me to utilize it for good. 

  • Embrace being hard on self without being down on self.  

  • The highest performers create internal dissonance intentionally. 

  • There are two ways to live life: You can see what you want or see what’s standing in the way of what you want. Focus on wants and make them musts. Any obstacle can be overcome. 

  • Sacrifice the perfect for the good. Done is better than perfect.  

  • Be your own authority. Know what you believe with crystal clarity. 

  • Truth in love. Sometimes you have to be ‘cruel’ to be kind. 

  • Power is organized knowledge, expressed through intelligent action. 

  • Every human brain is both a broadcasting and a receiving station for vibrations of thought frequency. 

  • Do more than what you get paid to do. Focus on creating value for others. 

  • Be – Do – Have. Think right, then act, then you will have. Most people do the opposite. 

  • Train your mind to see what your eyes cannot. 

  • G-d will open up the blessing, but you got to want it and ask sincerely. 

  • Don’t ask if it can be done, ask if it should be done. If it should be done, do it – Hashem will take care of the results. The main thing is to take action. 

  • The things that are good for me don't always feel good. 

  • The facing of death brings an invaluable gift for life. Face death in order to live a more authentic life. 

  • Hurt people, hurt people. Don’t take anything personally. 

  • Assumptions are made and most are wrong. If you can discover the facts, find them.  

  • The pain of change is much less painful than the pain of staying the same. 

  • You must have discipline to succeed at anything. 

  • Never be satisfied, Contentment is the enemy.  

  • Reading and studying are two different things. Be a student. 


My Identity

  • I am a Jew. I firmly believe in the oneness of G-d and put my trust in G-d. 

  • I am beacon of light illuminating paths to goodness in the world. I am “Ben Melech”. 

  • I am a Loving Husband forever committed to unity and mutual growth. 

  • I am a Present, Loving and Caring, but Firm Father that provides the emotional and intellectual support to my children so they are responsible and can achieve maximum success. 

  • I am a Constant student and always striving for improvement. I am a work in progress.  

  • I am an Optimist. I believe everything is Good.  

  • I am Genuinely Happy.  

  • I am a Giver. If I have a dollar in my pocket or something I can share (even a smile or words of encouragement), I do so. 

  • I am a Master of Kindness. I Radiate Love. 

  • I am a Business Owner – I guide my team and company through core values to be the best we can be. 

  • I am Curious. I ask questions and go deeper. 

  • I am intelligent.  

  • I am Truthful 

  • I am Adaptable 

  • I am an educator  

  • I am independent, but deeply connected 

  • I am mentally tough 

  • I am a winner  

  • I am an investor 


My Principals:

  • Growth Mindset. Never fixed. Constant and Never-Ending Improvement. 

  • Love/Kindness – Radiate Love. Greet people first. Show that you care. Maximize another happiness, provide value. 

  • Truth – Emes (Honesty, inside and out - Consistency) - Authenticity. Be impeccable with your word. 

  • Confidence – I Know I can do anything. Commitment + Courage + Capability = Confidence 

  • Persistence. Relentless. Prove-them-wrong mentality. Tenacious  

  • Courage. Brave. Do things you’ve never done before. Take risks. 

  • Live. 

  • Vision over visibility. Keep the big picture in mind. 

  • Ownership Mindset. Take ownership over everything in your life. Be the change. Never complain. 

  • Curiosity. Always question and be creative. Make things better. Think outside the box. 

  • Gratitude. Appreciation. Everything I have is from G-d. Breath, family…  

  • Charity. Give more than you get. Always give 10%. 

  • Take Action. Bias towards action. Do, do, do. 

  • Commitment. Be committed and follow through. 

  • Decisiveness. Make decisions quickly. Alacrity. 

  • Communicate Cleary. Cut through tension, get to the bottom of motives. Vulnerable. Do not allow things to go unsaid. 

  • Always do your best.  

  • Humility. Everyone else can do a better job. open-mindedness, willingness to learn, and coach ability. 

  • Discipline. Self-Control. Resist impulse. Stay focused. 

  • Regret Minimization – P.R.I.O.R: Project (when I’m 80), Reflect, Internalize, Observe, React. 

  • Stay Active – HIIT exercise  

  • Spontaneous and Fun to be around 

  • Mental toughness. Work harder than everybody else. Unbeatable mental attitude. 

  • Live with Purpose. 

My Passions

  • I love to challenge and expand my mind/thinking (read, think, write deeply). 

  • I love to connect to my G-d through learning the Torah (G-ds gift and blueprint), Mitzvot, Tefilah, Acts of Kindness.

  • I love to give Tzedakah, Contribute, Help Others   

  • I love to connect deeply with others (especially those closest to me)

  • I love to appreciate the beauty of nature (walks/hikes) 

  • I love to challenge my body to its limits  

  • I love to play competitive sports 

  • I love to play active sports  

  • I love deep conversations with others, learning about others  

  • I love to challenge myself and others  

  • I love to disconnect and rejuvenate (go on vacation) 

  • I love to feed my curiosity (explore new places) 

  • I love to explore  

  • I love to feel put together (dress nicely, wear nice clothes) 

  • I love to think and reflect 

  • I love to write

  • I love to share wisdom with others 

  • I love to enjoy a good competitive sports game 

  • I love to listen to music  


  • I love to brainstorm  


  • I love to learn from others 

  • I love to bring people together  

  • I love to challenge and fight dogma 


  • I love to invest in others  

  • I love to travel. I love Israel  

  • I love good quality things  

  • I love to learn about the best leaders and top performers 

  • I love enjoying memories.