My Melody Line

I have a dream to become ONE of a thriving community of leaders who are getting better, growing stronger, and together transform our lives into the life we want to live.
My purpose is to live it so I can give it and connect others to their passions and purpose so they can live a life worth living.
I am a soul on fire, connected to my roots, and expressing myself as a loving son, devoted husband, caring father, and a community builder. A client on a builders journey, who loves to learn, play, and find my melody line…
My principles are:
Live it, so I can give it
Change my perspective; change my life
This too is for the good and it will pass

I Love...

  • Spending 1x1 time with my kids

  • Surprising my wife

  • Finding ways to help the underdog

  • Build into another

  • Solving chronic problems

  • Brainingstorm new creative ideas

  • Making things simple

  • Learning Torah

  • Over deliver whatever I'm doing

  • Making people smile

  • I love building communities

To author a Magnum OPUS that I can chase for the rest of my life, aligned with what I started 15 years ago at Choice that transformed my company- and now, together, and aligned with BTL’s purpose, and has the potential to transform another community and have a lasting and positive impact on individuals and teams becoming Built to Lead. 

I'm building a space that gives others a path to develop, deepen, and discover who they are, what they believe, and how they want to live so they can pursue their purpose with passion using process I’ve proven.

My Strategies

1. Play Hard

Never stop playing with new ideas, nuances, and refining the next expression of what’s next to come.

2. Practice Harder

Invest time with my clients, my builders, and myself learning and mastering my craft.

3. Sing Softly

Share my melody line. Trasmit real, raw, and relevant insights and content that help others become BTL.

My Scorecard

  1. # Community Members

  2. The state of my relationships

  3. Number of inspiring Builder's Journeys

  4. Teaching and seeing my kids become Built to Lead

  5. My family moving towards me

My Passions

I love spending 1x1 time with my kids.

I love surprising my wife and making her smile.

I love giving my money away to other less fortunate.

I love building into another.

I love solving chronic problems.

I love brainingstorming and playing with new ideas

I love making something complex more simple.

I love learning Torah

I love building new disciplines into my life that make me better.

I love figuring things out that make things easier.

I love over delivering

I love providing value

My Worldview provides a framework to help me be deliberate for how I think and act as interpret the meaning of everything and everyone in my life.


There is One G-d and he is responsible for everything.

Man is like a breath.

Free choice determines which way you tip the scale. There is a good, and not so good within all of us that influence our decisions. The choice of whether to use our intellect or be a slave to an impulse indicates which side we most identify with, which ultimately defines who you are.

Actions in this world have an impact in the spiritual world, and just because we can’t see or sense it doesn’t make it not so.

There is purpose behind everything that happens, and it’s for my ultimate benefit, regardless of whether or not I can see or understand it.

It’s entirely possible for someone to live their entire life without ever thinking or using free choice. Only  through consistent effort can we really think and be deliberate without sleep walking through life.

We have a finite amount of time left in this world, and wasting any of it is throwing precious opportunities that we can’t ever get back.

When I find myself in a dark place and it feels as if I’m being buried, the truth is, I’m actually being planted. 

Life is a series of non-stop tests. The higher I climb, the harder the tests.

There are people who believe in G-d and those who believe in nothing

I believe we exist in this world temporarily, earning our place in the next world with everything we do, and that which exists in the highest spiritual world also exists in a lower form in this world. I believe my thoughts, actions and speech have more of an impact than I can ever comprehend, but that one day I will see.

Humans want to connect and belong AND we also have a deep drive to be independent. We plan; and G-d laughs. However, when it comes to spirituality we all have an opportunity to make ourselves what we will.

Everything is connected

My soul exist on many levels, and even though my physicality on the lowest level prevents me from seeing the whole picture, occasionally I can glean a glimpse from a higher level. However, you have to be able to hear it, and that’s only possible if I’m looking for it. G-d speaks to everyone but the question is, who is listening and can hear the call?

Measure for Measure. As we do for others, so too will be done to you.

Teshuva is about living oneself above darkness, to a place of light - reaching a higher place and experiencing renewal. If it brings one down, it’s not Teshuva.


Someone who feels he matters fights, a different kind of fight than someone who feels insignificant

Knowledge of yourself serves as the basis for all wisdom.

It’s possible for someone to borrow everything from someone else, lacking even the smallest input from themselves, so it’s worth considering which parts of us are truly our own because we unconsciously absorb nuances from others around us. It’s important to assess and figure out what’s really ours and what is not we can live a life which is authentically our own.

We see others and the world around us, not as they are, but as we are.

Words contain energy. Positive words have positive energy and negative words have negative energy. How we describe ourselves, others, and our experiences, have an impact on how we feel and how others around us feel when they are with us. Using positive speech goes a long way to add quality to our lives and our relationships.

If you aspire to arrive at a deep knowledge of yourself, you need to consider and understand how your childhood experience shaped you AND you have to believe that doesn’t have to define you today if you want to change.

Situations and results don't define a person as much as how the person responds. Your response to everyone speaks volumes about who you truly are.

Although there is a reality, everyone perceives their own truth and everyone’s perception is limited. We can see the exact thing as someone else, and yet see it very differently than they do.

The experience of pleasure and aversion to pain take the lions share in the realm of human ambition and guides us through making decisions. It even precedes thought.

Knowing myself is not a one-time experience. Being a leader requires a person to revisit over and over who they are and who they want to be. Thinking and rethinking who we are is key.

Humans naturally judge themselves favorably, others not so much.

It’s possible for a stranger to recognize something about you, that you may never realized about yourself.

Nothing is as difficult as learning the truth about yourself.

It’s easier to label and file our personalities, rather than deal with uncertainty, especially about ourselves.

Labels are dangerous, they can take on a life of their own within. As important as self-awareness and self-knowledge are important, inner knowledge is more important than any label.

Nobody is as they appear to be. People live 3 types of lives: Public, Private, and a Secret Life.

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-awareness and development. And, it leaves an imprint upon paper that will be the closest and only thing I can do to leave my essence remains alive.

Giving your thoughts written form provides a sharper picture of who we are and who we are becoming.

We have been given an intellect which allows us to rationalize just about anything, so It’s necessary to check what lies behind our reasoning so we give ourselves the best chance to judge something or someone accurately

It’s hard to see ourselves clearly, because we don’t want to see things we don’t like, which makes it difficult to feel good about ourselves, but that’s a bad reason to relate to ourselves like a stranger and remain ignorant to who we really are. The fact that we can recognize our weaknesses means we’re sensitive to the trait we’re missing, and if we had no connection to it, we would probably never be bothered by it.

It’s important to realize that going with your gut and taking action base on being emotional about something does not serve a person well. Logic and a different perspective and the power of reframing a situation makes more sense when making important decisions or reacting to something that happens.

We see others and the world around us, not as they are, but as we are.

Words contain energy. Positive words have positive energy and negative words have negative energy. How we describe ourselves, others, and our experiences, have an impact on how we feel and how others around us feel when they are with us. Using positive speech goes a long way to add quality to our lives and our relationships.

If you aspire to arrive at a deep knowledge of yourself, you need to consider and understand how your childhood experience shaped you AND you have to believe that doesn’t have to define you today if you want to change.

Situations and results don't define a person as much as how the person responds. Your response to everyone speaks volumes about who you truly are.

Although there is a reality, everyone perceives their own truth and everyone’s perception is limited. We can see the exact thing as someone else, and yet see it very differently than they do.

The experience of pleasure and aversion to pain take the lions share in the realm of human ambition and guides us through making decisions. It even precedes thought.

Knowing myself is not a one-time experience. Being a leader requires a person to revisit over and over who they are and who they want to be. Thinking and rethinking who we are is key.

Humans naturally judge themselves favorably, others not so much.

It’s possible for a stranger to recognize something about you, that you may never realized about yourself.

Nothing is as difficult as learning the truth about yourself.

It’s easier to label and file our personalities, rather than deal with uncertainty, especially about ourselves.

Labels are dangerous, they can take on a life of their own within. As important as self-awareness and self-knowledge are important, inner knowledge is more important than any label.

Nobody is as they appear to be. People live 3 types of lives: Public, Private, and a Secret Life.

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-awareness and development. And, it leaves an imprint upon paper that will be the closest and only thing I can do to leave my essence remains alive.

Giving your thoughts written form provides a sharper picture of who we are and who we are becoming.

We have been given an intellect which allows us to rationalize just about anything, so It’s necessary to check what lies behind our reasoning so we give ourselves the best chance to judge something or someone accurately

It’s hard to see ourselves clearly, because we don’t want to see things we don’t like, which makes it difficult to feel good about ourselves, but that’s a bad reason to relate to ourselves like a stranger and remain ignorant to who we really are. The fact that we can recognize our weaknesses means we’re sensitive to the trait we’re missing, and if we had no connection to it, we would probably never be bothered by it.

It’s important to realize that going with your gut and taking action base on being emotional about something does not serve a person well. Logic and a different perspective and the power of reframing a situation makes more sense when making important decisions or reacting to something that happens.


There is no need compare or keep score. Everyone is on a different path.

Everyone struggles with something.

Today’s the youngest I’ll ever be, so it’s important live like it.

You work your entire life to get to a higher place, only to one day realize that once you’re there, life will soon be over.

There is something to learn from every person and every experience. However, that doesn’t always mean it’s always good.

Time is undefeated, and will always wins. It’s decreasing by the minute and just because we don’t see the clock ticking doesn’t mean we’re not losing endless opportunities by the second. There will come a day I’ll wish I could have some of it back and by then it will be too late to do any about it. It’s important to do things when you can or we risk losing the chance to ever get them done.

I am never truly alone, the recorder is always running. And one day It will all be played back for me and I will not be happy with what I see. Don’t make it any worse than it already is.

Whether we like it or not, we are affected by the circumstances and environments we find ourselves in.

Someone humble is less absorbed with their own needs and want leaving more room to feel for someone else.


It’s important to see and treat food as my medicine- so that I don’t have eat medicine as my food.

Taking care of my physically helps me sustain myself spiritually. 

Making excuses to be unhealthy doesn't make sense.   

The best diet is to eat as much as you want, whenever you want, as long as it’s actually food. Sugar is the enemy and wrecks havoc on my body.

Drinking water and staying properly hydrated requires discipline.

The best workout I can do for myself is to walk, do push ups, pull ups, and planks.


Getting angry is emotionally punishing myself for someone else’s behavior.

Real wisdom is never pretending to know something I don’t know. This is a sign of true humility.

Humans are oddly consistent. Liars lie, cheaters cheat, and I still get caught off guard. Few are strong enough to actually change. 

One of the hardest things to do is change, especially in front of the people you love. HOWEVER, when you have the courage to do something hard, and those people continue to support you, it’s a clear sign they are one of your few.

The way to overcome negative character traits is to recognize and use my positive ones to become my very best.Not much else matters, at least to me, besides working on perfecting my character traits which are flawed.

Happiness is found within and already exists in my life. It’s important to not take anything for granted and realize how blessed I truly am.

Man is most influenced by his own desires.

Most of what people complain about is a blessing.


Loose lips sinks ships.

How we choose to treat others can be life-giving or life-giving. The words we use and the care we show go much farther than we realize.

Words are powerful. They can motivate and inspire or destroy and scar. You can always repair and you should, but you never can't take back what you said.

Unnecessary comments or criticism can crush people. My words have “impact” and they need to be carefully used and spared, especially when giving advice.

It’s better to say less and leave people wondering what I’m thinking rather than wondering why I’m still speaking.

Good conversations don't come from hearing what others say. They come from understanding what and why they’re saying it. People deserve to finish their thoughts and turning conversations inward is a terrible habit.  

There’s a reason why our fingers are shaped like pegs, so that if you hear something improper or someone sharing gossip or talking negatively about someone, you can place your fingers in your ears. Listening to someone else’s rubbish is just as bad as saying it yourself.

Trust is built, slowly, through being consistent with my words, actions, and my behaviors. It's also extremely fragile.

Leaders trust first

People deserve second chances, however there are times when they do something that may not.


What we believe becomes our reality

Thoughts are things and what we think about is where are thoughts go, there we are. The quality of life largely depends on what we focus on. The first step to control this is awareness.

You can believe, and not yet be a believer.

The foundation of educating my kids is educating myself. There is no better education than example. If I live it, I can give it.

Meats, vegetables, fruit, and water are good. Things made in a factory and sit on shelfs are bad.  Keep it simple and eat when I want, whatever I want, how much I want, as long as it’s actually food. 

A good reputation is built by being fair, trustworth, generous, and respectful.

Reprogramming my beliefs is a never-ending process. Growth occurs by challenging my worldview and expanding my point of view. Change my perspective; change my life.

With every passing second there’s another chance to change. There is no “tomorrow”.

A really hard day is usually followed by a better one.

Embrace pain and remember that strong leaders transmit hope during tough times.

Great leaders focus on understanding everyone around them. They accept that it’s not as important to be understood themselves. There’s no point in trying to explain your perspective if it gets in the way of someone else trying to be understood. Simply listen and don’t feel the need to always have a response.

Most questions have an ulterior motive and can be easily discovered by simply returning a question with a question.

The present moment is the culmination of my life up until this point. There is nothing as important as what I'm choosing to do right here, right now.   

My mind may forget, but my journals won't. There is power in the pen...

Integrity Gaps

Less is more and the more I say the less people will remember.

It’s better to remain silent and have people wonder what I'm thinking, rather than speak and have people wonder why I spoke.

What others think of me is none of my business. Care, but not that much.


With regard to money: I either have enough or I don’t, but just remember you’ll never see a U-haul following a hearse.

The most valuable things in my life came free and everything with a price tag is replaceable.

Material things that are lost can be found. But there there a few things that can never be found when it is lost - "time, health and life".

A $300 watch or a $30 watch tell the same time, a $150,000 car or a $30,000 car drive get us to the same place.

All the recognition and wealth pale and become meaningless in the face of impending death.

Mastering anything requires a burning desire and lifetime of never-ending practice.

One way to define success is by knowing who you are, clear what you believe, and going after something big with purpose. Taking small consistent steps towards a target, and picking yourself up when you fall, moving from one failure to the next with enthusiasm.


Leaders know what they want, why they want it, and what they’re willing to do in order to get it. AND they also know what they’re willing to walk away from.

If you want to go fast, go alone! But if you want to go far, go together!

The strength of a leader is reflected in the strength of whatever they are leading.

High performers learn from mentors and coaches who can see what they can’t.

Champions have an answer to “why” AND sometimes it might be just “ because….”

There is an “I” in TEAM, regardless of everyone else says AND I have proof.


True genuine love will never leave a person alone because even if there are 100 reasons to give up, they will find one reason to hold on.

There is a big difference between a human being and being human.

You are loved when you are born. You are loved when you die. In between, you have to manage.


The beginning of defeat is running away

The most critical factor in winning a war is strengthening one’s heart.

One of the greatest services a leader can do is help others realize who they are.

In order to be truly successful, it’s important to consider and understand what mindset will be most effective, and one who believes there is room for growth, has the strength to look within, and take responsibility for what is not complete, has the right mindset and will reach greater levels of completion.

Being successful means I’m making a difference in other people’s lives and leaving behind something bigger than myself. 

High performers understand the difference between good and great and that it’s usually only a razor’s edge difference. However, those nuances - make all the difference. 

Success is fleeting. When we leave this world, our life and accomplishments go with it.

Success in anything BIG is attained by making each separate act a success. Small productive actions lead to excellence and successful small steps deserve to be celebrated.

High performers are great at prioritizing their time and they prioritize being alone to do the hard inner work necessary to reach their full potential. One of the best assets to acquire is the ability to find clarity, stay clear, focused, and turn their thoughts into action and use power of creating something new to solve a problem.

Feeling great comes from making progress and making good choices. The pleasure I will feel directly corresponds with the amount of effort I make.

It takes immense personal courage to accept responsibility and not shift the blame to others. If we believe we messed up, we will also believe that we can choose better in the future, but if we blame others, we’re saying we are powerless and play the victim, unable to rein the choices in our own lives.

An illustrious past only has real value to the extent that it informs your present life.

A recipe for commitment: “When I fall in love with something and then build a fence to protect myself against the moments when the love isn’t felt.   

You don’t get what you want and you don’t get what you think you deserve. You get what you earn and sometimes you don’t even get that. and, timing has a lot to do with it.

I'm not in business to convince people. I work because I love finding and building better ways to improve things that currently suck.

Failure is nothing more than annoyance interfering with my growth.

It’s all about the journey; the results are really beside the point.

Don't raise children to be rich. Educate them to be happy and when they grow up, then they’ll know the value of things, and not care about only about the price.

Whatever I learn serves as a model that I expect myself to apply in my own way, my melody line.

The difference between “perception” and “perspective” is a world of a difference. Change your perception; change your life.

It’s impossible to know what’s in the mind of another, but we can at least come to know our own mind, and one who does is successful.

A well lived life is a process. Getting up when you fall and learning from your mistakes and moving on is the key, while never getting stuck in any of our mistakes.

When I wake up with nothing to do because I’ve set a clear vision, assembled the right people, focused on the highest priorities, and empower them to do what they need with the best tools and resources then I can stay busy and have fun exploring my next expression of whatever it is I want to do next.

I am…a soul on fire, connected to my roots, and expressing myself as a loving son, devoted husband, caring father, and a community builder.

I am a client on a builders journey, who loves to learn, play, and sing my melody line…

I am committed, creative, and love to solve problems, while seeking the best from everything and everyone around me.

I am an outlier who is deliberate with time, money, and my freedom. Grateful for the time I've had and hopeful for the time I have left.

I am a visionary who see's things in their current state as temporary. I always look for a better way to do anything that sucks. I see things logical, rational, and use common sense.

I am mentally tough, competitive, and seek the truth.

I am disciplined, structured, a work in progress aiming to experience my life exactly the way it's unfolding, and getting back up fast when I fall- always working towards my full potential.

I am a lover, driven by purpose, and always working to fully uncover and embrace my true self so I can live a life I want to live and show my kids what one worth living looks like.

My Purposes:

I pour my heart and soul into those I’m with when we’re together, and make them feel like nothing else matters - and what they have to say is the most important thing in the world to me in that moment

Live it so I can give my kids. Show them what a healthy marriage and life worth living looks like.

Comitted and devoted husband


  1. If you live it, you can give it

  2. Change your perspective; change your life.

  3. Gam Zeh Yaavor this too will pass

  4. Gum Zu L’Tova this too is for my good

  5. Cheshbon HaNefesh self-assessment

  6. A Good Eye judge favorably and

  7. Keep it Simple

  8. Resist Impulse self discipline

  9. Sholom Bayit peace in the home

  10. Independent Action - set my standards.

  11. Silence speak slow, calm, and less.

  12. Never complain; don’t feel the need to explain.

Welcome to My Magnum OPUS